Plazma İnşaat Proje Tekstil Gıda Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
Taralay Emotion

Katalog Detayı

Katalog İndir

  • TARALAY EMOTIONTM BORGO / COUTURE / PANAME / WOOD is a multilayered compact vinyl floor covering, available in 2m width sheet, with a group T wear rating. The product comprises a printed design protected by a transparent wear layer, and a compact backing with fiber glass reinforced layer, which resists static and dynamic perforation under rolling loads and provides excellent dimensional stability.
  • TARALAY EMOTIONTM BORGO / COUTURE / PANAME / WOOD is treated with Protecsol® surface treatment with excellent resistance to scratching, scuffing & easy cleaning, no wax for life, and Sanosol treated throughout the thickness to prevent bacterial and fungicidal contamination. It has no DOP, no heavy-metal, no benzene, no formaldehyde & 100% compliant with REACH, which is friendly to health and environment, recommended for high traffic area in education, office, retail, hospital and institutional buildings.
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