Plazma İnşaat Proje Tekstil Gıda Sanayi ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
Mipolam Symbioz

Katalog Detayı

Katalog İndir

  • Recycled content 25% - 100% Recyclable
  • Bio content 17%
  • Anti-viral activity & Anti-bacterial activity
    Indoor air quality: TVOC 100 times below standard
  • 20% lighter than a standard product (2595 gr/m2)
    Carbon footprint reduction
  • Non directional design
    Subtle tone on tone design, enhanced by a matte effect
  • Heavy traffic resistance
    Excellent durability and wearing resistance
  • Ease of maintenance
    30% savings on maintenance costs
  • Roll 2 x 20ml
    Flexible and easy to install
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